Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kicking It Up a Few Notches

I've been plunking down deadlines and goal-dates to keep my butt in gear, and one of the big things I'm planning is my first Toynbee Kickstarter. I had to muck through multiple concepts that I felt would be good Kickstarter products, and I have latched onto one that meets much of the criteria for success. It's small and simple, but powerful when used. It's unique, can be locally-made, and I can make versions in different materials and colors, offering a range of reward options to funders.

Now, you might be asking, what is this magical widget?
Well, I can't tell you.
But I can say it fits the scope of Toynbee's mission, serving urbanites who walk, bike or take transit.

This week I will be getting prices from vendors who will potentially be making the parts, and figuring out what the prices will be on the product, and getting my ducks in a row to launch a fun, compelling Kickstarter campaign by the beginning of Summer.

Stay tuned.....

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wee Steps

I decided this post will not be profound, or even mildly amusing, but I have been working, and I just wanted to document....
What I've been doing:

Revising and improving my Mission and Plan

Making lists and lists of people I'd like to ask to design my visual identity, website, and possibly hire as part-time biz manager.

<< Building scale models of shopping cart concepts.

Dredging up info on filing my business license.

Sketching up Cart concepts that are more similar to luggage.

Ideating about other contraptions I might also produce.

Generating evaluation charts comparing potential product strengths+weaknesses, hoping to determine which will be best to launch first.

Sketching ideas of how the Satchel functions on your lap, and while standing in a packed bus

Sourcing and costing some of the materials for the Cart and Satchel.

Going off on weird tangents.

Sometimes progress is boring :-\